Fact Sheets: Number of Languages Other Than English Spoken In Each State

Alabama 92
Alaska 90
Arizona 129
Arkansas 83
California 207
Colorado 123
Connecticut 94
Delaware 66
District of Columbia 79
Florida 134
Georgia 118
Hawaii 91
Idaho 82
Illinois 132
Indiana 105
Iowa 104
Kansas 97
Kentucky 91
Louisiana 93
Maine 74
Maryland 117
Massachusetts 118
Michigan 125
Minnesota 124
Mississippi 67
Missouri 114
Montana 81
Nebraska 87
Nevada 99
New Hampshire 77
New Jersey 130
New Mexico 94
New York 169
North Carolina 122
North Dakota 66
Ohio 116
Oklahoma 120
Oregon 138
Pennsylvania 135
Rhode Island 76
South Carolina 91
South Dakota 62
Tennesse 109
Texas 145
Utah 103
Vermont 64
Virginia 123
Washington 163
West Virgnia 67
Wisconsin 117
Wyoming 56

The language data is obtained from Census 2000 and refers to the population age five and older speaking a given language at home. Data is subject to Census confidentiality protections, which suppresses information directly identifiable to a person or small group of people.